Tuesday, May 23. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Ikay and Co. Mark Lane, wine-merchants-Jarrie and Farnan, Mincing Lane-W. and J. Sellers, Leeds, tallow-chandlers-Jones and B.onksley. Sheffield, brass-founders-Stewart and Westmorland-Shepherd and Co. Crane Court, Fleet Street, confectioners ; as far as regards A. Shepherd -Brennan and Bird, Wigan, butchers-Butler and Son, Elm Street, Gray's Inn Lane, wire- weavers -Garton and Portbury, Exeter, ironmongers-Tovrnsend and Minton. Liver- pool, printing-ink-manufacturers-Dodgson and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff- merchants-Baxter and Richmond, James Street, Covent Garden, potato-salesmen -Allen and Son, Manchester, wine-merchants -Bradshaw and Co. Stockport, paper. stainers-T. and I. Hall, Oldham, bobbin-manufacturers-Hill and Midden, Paul. tan, Somersetshire, wine-merchants-Henderscoi and Co. Glasgow, merchants; as far as regards G. Henderson. Barrsevers.-Eltron Ermarn, Witney, grocer, to surrender May 30, July 3:
citor, Skynner, Coleman Street ; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street--Groaos Satrsimus, Seymour Street, Easton Square, gas-fitter, June 2, July 7: solicitors, Thomson and Son, George Street, Elinories ; official assignee, Canaan, Alderman- bury-Factual) BOND, Brighton builder, June 2, July 8: solicitors, Barrow and Clarke, Bloomsbury square; official assignee, Whitmore, Basingball Street-Tao- MAS Hoy Burner, Winchester, cow-keeper, June 2, July 7: solicitors, Wood, Fal- con Street, Aldersgate Street; Wooldridge, Winchester ; official assignee, Carman, Aldermanbury-RoBEET Beam Gosport, boot-maker, June 1, July 6: solicitor, Burr, Paternoster Row ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Thomas HoLLArrn, Milner Street, Islington, tobacco-broker, June I, July 6: solicitor, Eagle. ton, Newgate Street ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Ne'swast WRIGHT, Thetford, butcher, May 31, July 5: solicitors, Houghton and Jameson, Yerulam Buildings, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street - JAMES Burr, Lupus Street, Pimlico. builder, May 31, July 5: solicitor, Fitch, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street- JOSEPH Barr junior, Kidderminster, scrivener, June 6, 22 solicitors, Roberts, South Square, Gray's Inn ; Reece, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Bir- mingham-WILLLut BRADLEY GEORGE, Gloucester, scrivener, June 5, July 3: so- licitor, Bretherton, Gloucester • official assignee, Acraman, Bristol-WILLIAM JOHN- SON, Bradford, Yorkshire, butcher, June 13. July 4: solicitors, 'ferry and Watson, Bradford • Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-Jons JACK- SON, Did, commission-agent, June 7, July 3: solicitor, Preston, Hull ; official as- signee, Carrick, Hull-CHARLES FiTrox, Newton Heath, Manchester, joiner, June 3, 80: solicitors, Whitworths, Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester - Thomas and WILLIAM Fisicsirrr, Choriton-upon-Medlock, brewers, June 14, July 5: solicitors, Higson and Robinson, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Man- chester. DITIDENDS.-June 14, Williams, New Brentford, boot-maker-June 14, Liveirey, St. Alban's Terrace, Vauxhall Bridge Road, smith-June 13, Masson, Lime Street Square, merchant-June 14, Steel, Norwich, tea-dealer-June 14, Wilson jun. Old Street Road, currier-June 13, Martindale, New Bond Street, wine-merchant-June 14, Bhear, George Yard, Lombard Street, hotelkeeper-June 14, Barber, Cambridge, schoolmaster-June 13, Bromley, Gray's Inn Square, scrivener-July 1, Shaw, Bir- mingham, pocketbook-maker-June 23, Guest, Manchester, cotton-spinner-June 22, Howard, Glossop, cotton-spinner-June 22, Wilson and Corbett. Manchester, merchants-June 15, Wood and Wilding, Openshaw, Lancashire, boiler-makers- June 15, Mandan sen. Netherbury. Dorsetshire, flax-spinner-June 15, Daimond, Newton Abbott, stationer-June 14, Lamplugh, Great Driffield, Yorkshire, draper- June 14, Utley, Hull, timber-merchant. CERTIFICATES.-213 be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-June 15; Hughes, Westbourne Grove, chemist-June 14, Steel, Norwich, tea-dealer-June 17, Brownlow,Ardwick, Manchester, gum-manufacturer-June 17, Beesley, Manchester, cotton-spinner. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Fawcett, Liverpool, merchant ; fifth div. of Sid. any Monday ; Bird, Liverpool- Lilley and Ashmall. Liverpool, merchants; first div. of Cd. any Monday ; Bird. Liverpool- Hesketh, Blackburn, cotton-manufacturer ; first div. of 3s. qd. June 13, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester, Scorer( SEQUESTRATIONS.-Gay, Falkirk, grocer, May 30-Miller, Glasgow, clothier, June 6.
Friday, May 26.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSoLVED.-Cook and Co. Manchester, warehousemen; as far as regards E. Featon-Cook and Co. St. Paul's Churchyard, warehousemen; as far as regards W. Hocken and E. Featon-Mason and Co. Nottingham, purse-manufac- turers • as far as regards J. Brooke-Brooke and Mason, Nottingham, joiners-J. and W. Raiford, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell, jewellers-Truwilitt and Ody, Lin- coln's Inn Fields, attornies-Dickson and Co. Liverpool, cart-owners-Summer- scales'e Executors, Lincoln, maltsters ; as far as regards T. Woodall and J. Stead- Eastwood and Styring, Brighouse Railway-station, Yorkshire, brewers -Druitt and Rawlins, Tokenhouse Yard, stock-brokers-Booth and Barrocloughs, Guiseley, Yorkshire, worsted-stuff-manufacturers-Clarke and Macvay, Leeds, corn-factors- Cooper and Son, Halifax, wool-staplers-Sidgwick and Dory, Wreak's Mill, Har- rogate, cotton-spinners-Gregory and Hague, Sheffield, coal-masters-Randles and Son, Leeds, plasterers-C. and F. Robinson and Co. Llexham, Northumberland, linen-drapers ; as far as regards J. Robson-E. P. and J. G. Ism, Langley, Bucking- hamshire, farmers-Martland and Pratt, Preston, stone-masons-T. and T. Lind- sell, Prittlewell. Essex, coach-makers-Taylor and Tyler, High Street, Marylebone, upholsterers-sWhite and Co. Bristol, potters-Newsam and Griffin, Middlesbo- rough, attornies-De Lam and Fogg. Manchester, attornies- Grantham and Smith, Burgh-le-Marsh, Lincolnshire, surgeons-Taylor and Co. Sheffield, spindle-manu- facturers-Skelton and Chinnock, Kensington Place, Kensington, builders-Allarton and Danealfe, Westbromwich, surgeons-Foster and Stonehouse, Horbury, York- shire, worsted-spinners-Garforth and Brothers, Batley, Yorkshire, brie's...makers- Lazenby and Goater, Lamb's Conduit Street, oilmen. BAsnortrers.-Josar CHARLES BRANT, Shoreditch, oilman, to surrender June 8, July 6: solicitor, Young, Bank Buildings; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street- RicHARD STaumEn, Harefield, Uxbridge, draper, June 8, July13 : solicitors, Chaunt- ler, Gray's Inn ; Gardiner, Uxbridge; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Build- ings-ROBERT ICEuP Pima. and RICHARD PERKINS APPLEFORD, Fleet Street, book- sellers, June 8, July 13: solicitor, Burrell, Laurence Pountney Lane ; official assig- nee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-WILLIAm ACKLAND and FREDERICK Meson Goon- WIN, High Street, Portland Town, linen-drapers June 2, July 1; solicitor, Jones, Sise Lane; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-SAMUEL IsAAcs, Portsea, hardwareman, June 14, July 4: solicitor, Overbury, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry; offi- cial assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-15'11.mA)/ LANG, Lamb's Conduit Street, baker, June 9, July 8: solicitors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street -JEREmmil and JESSE DILLINGHAM, Cradley Heath, Staffordshire, chain-makers, June 8, 29: solicitors, Robinson and Fletcher, Dud- ley ; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham- JOHN BATES, West Bromwich, Staffordshire, builder, June 8, 29: solicitors, Motte- ram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birming,ham-RICHARD LATHAM jun. Bristol, leather-dealer, June 7, July 4: solicitor, Smith, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol-RICHARD CAVE, Bristol, warehouseman, June 7, July 4: solicitors, Bevan and Girling. Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol- lotus and ROBERT HOLMES, Sheffield, builders, June 10, July 1: solicitors, Branson and Son, Sheffield ; official assignee, Breivin, Sheffield-JAMES Bosoms, Sheffield, tailor, June 10, July 1: solicitors, Boole and Yeomans, Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield-SAmoaL CRANE Fox, Liverpool, wine-merchant, June 6, 26: soli- citors, Minshull and Horner, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool- CROSBY LEicurrorr, Liverpool, grocer, June 8, 30: solicitor, Williams, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool-JAmEs NterTALL and Co. Rawtenstall, Lanca- shire, cotton-manufacturers, June 17, July 1: solicitors, Cobbett and Wheeler, Manchester; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester.
DIVIDENDS.-June 22, Dawson and Williams, Crescent Place. New Bridge Street, wine-merchants-June 23, Mason and Co. New Broad Street, merchants-June 17, Radford, Noble Street, warehouseman-June 19, Nash, Noble Street, warehouseman - hum 19, Green, Northampton, carpenter-June 19, Murray, Gresham Street, warehouseman-June 22, 1. I. and A. I. Nunes, Hackney, merchants-June 22, Ashton and Spriggs, Aldennanbury, warehousemen-June 22, Newbould jun. Shef- field, merchant-June 22. Bates, Addle Street, Bristol, straw-plait-dealer-June 22, Cobbett, Bear Gardens, Surrey, plumber-June 22, Preston, King's Anus Yard, warehouseman-June 22, Plimmer, Britten Street, Chelsea, brewer-June 16, T. and J. Chew, Little Moorfields, livery-stablekeepers-June 17, Green, Stoke-by-Nay- land, Suffolk, baker-June 16, Hicks, Waltham Abbey, draper-June 17, Balding, Speen, Berkshire, builder-June 17, Brooks, Tunbridge Wells, tailor-June 17, Colk, North Walsham, Norfolk, wine-merchant-June 17, Green, Bevis Marks, clothier-June 17, Riley, South Street, Finsbury, private-boarding-housekeeper- June 13, Joyce, Old Broad Street, merchant-June -16, Paul sen. Portsca, brewer- June 16, Strickland, Kensington Crescent, wine-merchant-June 17, Barnes, Mar- garetting, Essex, milkman-June 16, Carom, Quorndon, Leicestershire, miller- June 27, Inchley, Drayton, Leicestershire, coal-dealer-June 14, Meredith Bir- mingham, draper-June 29, T. and B. Butterworth, Greenbooth Mills, Rochdale, woollen-manufacturers-June 30, Edmond and Co. Liverpool, merchants-June 23, Edmond, Liverpool, merchant-June 20, Francis, Manchester, baker-June 20, Clay, Halifax, cloth-manufacturer-June 16, Thomson, York, linen-draper-June 16, Barr, Huddersfield, spinner-June 17, Brooke, Doncaster, innkeeper-June 29, Whitehouse, Newland, tin-plate-manufacturer. CERTIrmArrs.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-June 20, Jones, Baker Street, Clerkenwell, jeweller-June 17, Withers, Oxford, chemists-June 16, Hicks, Waltham Abbey, draper-June 16, Moss, Little Tower Street, tea-dealer-June 19, Dean, Fleet Street, auctioneer-June 19, Jesse, Basingstoke, corn-factor-June 20, Evans and Davey, Britton Ferry Iron Works, Glaruorganshire, iron-masters-July 10, Brooking, St. Stephen-by-Saltash, Cornwall, coal-merchant-June 20, Grave, Manchester, warehouseman-June 19, Moss-June 19, Roberts, Liverpool, tailor.
DECLARATION OF DIVIDE:YD.-Rutherford, Manchester, merchant ; second dir. of id. on any Tuesday; Pott, Manchester.
Scorers SEQUEsTRATioNS.-Macalaster, Paisley, yarn-merchant, June 2-Wool- field, Glasgow, goldsmith, June 7-Taylor and Rodgers, Paisley, dyers, June 5- Alexander and Alexander, Glasgow, tea-merchants, June 5.