The English Funds have this week shown great firmness, and Consols have attained higher prices than have been realized for along period ; having been influenced by the large arrival of gold from Australia, and purchases on the part of the public to secure the January dividend, as the time for the closing of the Bank-books is near at hand. Consols, which closed on Saturday at 100e 1, advanced 1 on Monday; and after experiencing a similar improve- ment on Tuesday, left off upon a reaction of e. Wednesday presented no alteration. Yesterday the Funds regained their firm appearance, and e ad- vance was established. Today Consols have been alternately buyers and sellers at 101f, closing at the latter. Bank Stock has improved this week 1 per cent, and Exchequer Bills Is. India Stock has not altered. In Foreign Stooks the operations have not been extensive but prices gene- rally have been maintained. A rise has taken place in the following Securi- ties—Brazilian, Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, Chilian, Danish Three pr Cents, and Portuguese Five per Cents, 1; Austrian Scrip, 11 ; Spanish Three per Cents and Deferred, e. Mexican has declined 1. Scrip, Committee of Bondholders have received a communication vie the United States from Mr. Falconnet, dated Mexico, 16th October, of which the following is an extract— The shipments from Vera Cruz and Tampico by the last steamer have not been so large as I expected; a portion of the bills in the hands of the agents not having fallen due, it appears, but a few days after the departure of the packet. However, the bills of lading sent to Messrs. Baring Brothers and CO. for money out of the Produce of the Customhouse revenue, leave a surplus of about 3265 dollars in favour of the July dividend ; 32,000 dollars are in course of collection at Vera Crow; 130,000 dollars in bills, according to advice just received, will soon be delivered to the agents at that port. We have about 36,000 dollars cash on Marol.., ready to be shipped; 18,000 dollars in cash and bills, at San Bias ; 2800 ditto in Acapulco; 22,500 dollars are settled out of the 102,000 dollars of Matamoros, &c.; so that we can say to have secured about 244,565 dollars for the July dividend." Turkish Scrip has only varied between 21 and 3. It will probably con- tinue to be little dealt in till some fresh news arrives. It a meeting held last week, it was agreed to organize a fresh Committee, with the view of co- operating with Messrs. Devaux and Co. in protecting the interests of the Bondholders. It closes today 2 and 3 premium. Swedish Scrip continues vere dull at le and lediscount. Advises from Brussels state that the con- version of all the Belgian Five per Cents except those of 1862 will be brought forward early next week. The new Stock to be Four-and-a-half per Cents, guaranteed for eight years. In. the Railway. Market, much firmness has been exhibited in the English Jules in several instances, speculation having been promoted by the rise in the English Funds. At the close of business yesterday, there had been an improvement in some of the principal Shares to the following extent com- pared with last week—Caledonian, 41.; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 2/. 105.; Bristol and Exeter, 21.; Great Northern, I/. 10s. ; London and North-western, it.8.; Chester and Holyhead, East Lancashire, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and South-eastern, 11. • Great Western, and Midland, 15e, French Shares have undergone several variatioas. There has been a disposi- tion to realize upon an advance and to repurchase upon a contrary move- ment; being also governed by the quotations from Paris. A decrease has oc- curred this week in the following—Paris and Orleans, 21.; Rouen and Barre, ii.; Paris and Lyons, 15s.; Northern of France, and Western of Prance, 10,.; Paris and Strasbourg, 58. Today these Shares have again
i been subject to fluctuations, but the final result s the same as yesterday. There has been no change in the English lines worth alluding to.
842URDRT TweLva o'cr.oen.
In the English Funds this morning there is e improvement ; Consols for Money and Account are 101e R. There is nothing to record in Foreign Stocks at present with regard to alteration. Railway Shares are steady, but without any particular feature. Bargains prices—Aberdeen, 311; Caledonian, 651; fordshire, 13k; Oxford, Worcester, and castle, and Berwick, 76/.
Ditto for Account 101
3 per Cent Consols 1013,1 S per Cent Reduced 100
3.1 per Cents 10 Long Annuities 6 7-1 1 Bank Stock 223 4 Exchequer Bills 71 3 India Stock 275 7 Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 3
Belgian 41 per Cents 97 9
Chilia.n 6 per Cents 106 8 Danish 5 per Cents 1051 61
have taken place at the East Lancashire, 79; North Wolverhampton, 63; York,
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 8 per Cents Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 5per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents ....
Spanish Spar Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cent
Austrian Scrip
Staf- New-
83 5 651 61 97 1 241 I 103 5 102 3 118 20 1041 51 511 21 25 99 1001 8 10