Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, November 23. PARTNERSHIPS Dissoavan,-Corry and Gun, Bridport, surgeons-Nosworthy and Lewis, Coleman Street, lithographers-Powell and Co, Bristol, bottle-manufacturers;......
Naval Gazette.
ADMIRALTY, Nov. 13. - Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut. C. L. Barnard to be Adjt, of the Artillery Companies, vice Lawrence, promoted. ADMIE.LLTY, Nov. 23.-Corps of Royal......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OFFICE, Nov. 23.—let Drag. Guards—Ensign B. G. B. Bolton, from the 48th Foot, to he Cornet, by purchase. 7th Drag. Guards—A. Cleveland, Gent.. to be Cor- net, by purchase,......
Prices Current.
BR ITISH FUNDS (0104ing Prleea.) FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian Op. Ct. 83 Massachusetts (Sterling). ..s p. Ct. Belgian 44 - as......