Zell Ministerial Tenant-law For Ireland.
Mn. NAPIER'S set of Bills to improve the relation of Landlord and Tenant in Ireland are well meant. They will be useful in more than one respect ; though they rather mark out......
Whom To "send For" Next.
"AFTER. us the deluge," exclaims Lord Maidstone ; "after us no Ministry," says Lord Derby. You are thrusting us out of office, he represents, by your Free-trade motions, and you......
The True Battle Of Protestantism.
"Ix is an awful fact," says the Report of the Evangelical deputa- tion to Florence on behalf of the Medial, "that the progress of persecution is fearfully advancing." Even in......
Topics Of The Day.
TICE NEMESIS OF F13 - FI1 ■ TRADE. Wurrium brass be or be not the most imperishable material in which to preserve the records of the achievements of the world's heroes, Mr.......