27 NOVEMBER 1852, Page 19


On the 7th July, at. the Government House, Sydney, N.S.W., the Hon. Mrs. Keith Stewart, of a son.

On the 20th November, at Stanford Rectory, Worcestershire, the Wife of the Rev. Edward Winnington Ingram, of a daughter. On the 20th, in Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, the Hon. Lady Pearson, of a daughter. Co the 22d, at Hale House, near Salisbury, the Lady Adele Goff, of a daughter. ishititIAGES.

On the 19th May, at Otaki Church, New Zealand, the Ven. Archdeacon Octavitts Hadfield, to Kate, third daughter of the Ven. Archdeacon Henry Williams. On the 20th September, atNusseerabad, James Benny Henderson, Artillery, son of the late David Henderson, Esq., M.D., of Bristol, to Emily Nona, daughter of Colonel Duusterville, Bombay Army. On the 16th November, at Seal, W. Talbot Agar, Esq., of Elm Lodge, Camden Town, to Jessy Harriet, second daughter of Sir Alexander Crichton, K.S.W., P.R.S., of the Grove-Seal, near Sevenoaks.

On the 16th, at St. Michael's Church, Chester, the Rev. Henry Cunliffe, 11.A., Vicar Of Shand, Salop, third son of Lieutenant-General Sir Robert Gunliffe, Bart., C.B., of Acton Park, Denbighshire, to Mary Augusta, only daughter of Sir James Riddell • Bart., of Strontian and Ardnamurchan, N.B.

On the 17th, at St. John's Episcopal Chapel, Form, John Henry Jenkinson, Esq., youngest son of the late John Banks Jenkinson, Bishop of St. David's. to Alice Henrietta, third daughter of Sir William Gordon Cumming, Bart.. of Altyre. On the 19th, at Christ Church, Plymouth, William Oakes, Esq., of Hatch Court, Somerset, and of Shirland House, Derbyshire, to Sarah, second daughter of Captain Monday, R.N., Plymouth.

On the 23d, at All Souls' Church, Langham Place, Captain Colin Campbell, First Madras Light Cavalry, son of the late John Campbell, Esq.' of Kinloch, Perthshire, to Amelia, youngest daughter of the late Major-General Sir Archibald Galloway, K.C.B.

On the 25th, at St. James's Church, the Lord de Blaquiere, to Eleanor Amelia, eldest daughter of Sir William 0 H Jolliffe, Bart., M.P.


On the 8th November, at Boulogne-sur-Ifer, Elizabeth, relict of the late Hon. Charles Robert Lindsay, of the East India Company's Civil Service, brother to the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres.

On the 16th, at his residence, New Ground, Guernsey, Major James Johnston, late Fourty-fourth Regiment, eldest son of the late Captain Alexander Johnston, " The King's Own Borderers," late of Dublin •, in his 62d year. On the 17th, at Netherton, Frances, wife of Sir Edmund Prideaux, Bart.

On the 18th, at Shirley Park, Surrey, the Countess of Eldon. On the 18th, at Barnard Castle, Durham, Lady Hullock, widow of the late Mr. Baron Hullocli.

On the 19th, at Godmersham Park, Kent, Edward Knight, Esq. • in his 85th year. On the 20th, at Montrose, Mrs. Balfour, relict of the late Captain Balfour, of that town, and sister of Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P. On the 20th, in Gay Street, Bath, Elizabeth Jemima, widow of Colonel George Holmes, C.B., of the Third Dragoon Guards, eldest daughter of the late Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. On the 21st, in Curzon Street, Miss Berry ; in her 90th year. On the 23d, at Perry Vale, Sydenhant, Augustin F. B. Creuze, Esq., F.R.S., Princi- pal Surveyor to " Lloyd's Register"; In his 52d year. On the 23d, at Westport House, the Marchioness of Sligo; in her 28th year. Lately, Lady Winston Barron, wife of Sir Henry Winston Barron, Bart., of Bar- ron Court, Waterford, and daughter of Sir Gregory Page Turner, Bart., of Battles- den Park, Bedfordshire.