27 NOVEMBER 1942, Page 13

SIR,—The Rev. E. E. A. Heriz-Smith's interesting article and the

in- formation he has been kind enough to give has been read by us with much interest. Our opinion that the questions being asked today con- cerning religious beliefs are more searching than hitherto is strengthened. Your correspondent refers, to our meetings in Hyde Park, and I would add to his statement that although much nonsense has to be bottle with, we do find that the same spirit of enquiry is present. The fact that the "utter lack of religious background" which your correspondent finds it difficult to overcome is causing him some anxiety is shared by all those who attempt to attract the rank and file to the Christian conception of life. Here much more must be done.

We do admire the splendid lead which has been given by our Arch- bishop, but it will not be enough to attempt purely economic discussions without intense informative propaganda' regarding the fundamentals of

the Faith we profess.—Yours faithfully, (Rev.) F. H. E. HARFirr,