27 NOVEMBER 1942, page 13

I.u. And Sulgrave

SIR,—In the article which appeared in The Spectator of November 20th, entitled " I.U. and Sulgrave," there are the names of many people whom I have never seen, and of whom I......

' Religion And The Schools

SIR,—Mr. P. A. Shaw calls for an agreed syllabus of Christian doctrine and teaching in both provided and non-provided schools. He speaks of the possibility of an early......

A Subject For Thought

SIR,—The Spectator can always be trusted to give humanitarian causes the help of its columns. Mr. Ackerley's letter on the journalistic silence about recent homo-sexual......

Sir,—the Rev. E. E. A. Heriz-smith's Interesting Article...

in- formation he has been kind enough to give has been read by us with much interest. Our opinion that the questions being asked today con- cerning religious beliefs are more......

Ackerley's Letter In Your Issue Of November Zoth Raises A

matter about which there is far too much muddled thinking and "burying the head in the sand." Homo-sexuality has received considerable attention in scientific and sociological......

Celtic Twilight

Sts,—As the unofficial Unionist member for a Northern Ire/and Unionist constituency, may I, as one who is uninfluenced by the official Unionist Party Whip, be permitted to offer......