27 NOVEMBER 1942, page 18

The Truth About Malay

Malayan Postscript. By Ian Morrison. (Faber. 8s. 6d.) OVERWHELMED by a spate of war books, posterity is likely to dismiss Malaya's death-throes with some brief epitaph like......

Gesta Dei Per Anglos

MR. BRYANT'S book is the first of two volumes on the history and achievements of the English people during the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. This first volume brings the......

Books For Children

Zozo. By . H. A. Rey. ( Chatto and Windus. 5s.) Legends of the Christ Child. By F. M. Fox. (Sheed and Ward. 5s.; The Golden Hen. By Diana Ross. (Faber. 5s.) Great Adventures in......