was interested to hear Lord Hankey in a broadcast address on the evening of November 2nd describe the new and excellent plan for providing Engineering Cadetships for boys between sixteen and nine- teen. During the war period this will solve many parents' problems and put to good use those otherwise perhaps wasted years. I wonder if the Government has considered girls of this age? Many parents are perplexed as to the best planning of these in-between years. We cannot expect subsidies and grants all the time, but surely it would ultimately benefit the Government if they would only make suggestions for these young people. In peace-time there was always some objective to work for, but now the choice of a career is greatly restricted because eventually a girl either volunteers at between eighteen or twenty years, or waits for her call-up. Perhaps some of your readers can help me solve my own problem by suggesting the best way tor a girl of sixteen to spend her next two years, bearing in mind she hopes to matriculate in a month's time, and is then desirous of studying for some job that will enable her to contribute intelligently to the war effort, and in consequence be better fitted for the