SIR,—In an article entitled "The Grand Design" which appeared in The Spectator of November 13th, your contributor remarks in passing that, after the recent events in North Africa, "The last obstacle should now be removed to an occupation by Allied forces of Djibuti on the other side of Africa, a•step which would give our Ally the Emperor of Ethiopia that access to the sea on which his country has always depended until war cut the port off."
This is a most valuable suggestion, and if, when Peace discussions begin, France would waive her rights to Djibuti, a really generous gesture such as this would do much to rehabilitate her in the eyes of Africa, and not Africa only, but the world.—! am, &c., MURIEL BLUNDELL,
Hon. Secretary, Abyssinia Association.
33 Maunsel Street, Westminster, S.W. z.