There has been very little animation in the Market for English securi- ties this week; and, the heavy demand for money which was noticeable in
the two previous weeks having subsided, the Bank Directors have not thought it necessary to raise the minimum rate of discount, as had been for some time anticipated. Money on Government securities has averaged 2 and 21 per cent. Consols have not been dealt in to any great extent, the closing quotations being precisely those of the opening on Monday, 921 93 for November account ; the entire fluctuations of the week have not exceeded 3-16 per cent. Yesterday there was a sharp and sudden rise to 931 buyers, but an uneasy feeling afterwards prevailed with respect to Continental politics, and a reaction to 93 took place. The general business, however, has been very trifling, the Consol Market for the moment seeming quite deserted ; but it is evident that the slightest good or bad news would have a material and immediate effect upon values. Bank Stock leaves off 229 231 • India Stock, 219 221; and the Five per Cents, 102f 103; Exchequer Bills, 2s. dis. par.; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 911 911 ; Consols for Money, 921 93. Business in the Foreign Stock Market has been exceedingly inactive, and prices have undergone little or no change, with, perhaps, the exception of Turkish; the Old Six per Cents are finally 70 71, and the New Ditto, 55 66 ; Buenos Ayres, firm, 9496; and the Three per Cents, 29 30 ; Grenada Active, steady, 16 17; Ditto Deferred, 6 61 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 94 95 ; Ditto Three perCents, 7374 Ditto Dollar Bonds, 83 84; Ditto Four-and-a Half per Cent Znliarren, 83 84. Mexican has been dealt in a good deal, but the market price is not quite so firm, closing 221 221; Venezuela Three per Cents, 223; Venezula One-and-a-Half per Cent, 12 13; Sardinian Stock has been quiet, 85 86 ; and the Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Bonds, 96 97 ; Spanish, 44 49 ; and the Committee's Certificates, 6161.
A considerable amount of fluctuation has taken place in the leading undertakings in the Railway Share Market, where the chief business of the week has been negotiated. Prices all round are lower than at the opening, but the daily variations have been occasionally severe. Yesterday, Midland rose 1 per cent and then declined 1S ; Leeds closes after a good deal of changing, steady, 1171 1,18/ ; Great Western, 72# 721; Birmingham, 1001
1001; South-Western, 94105 dull and Dover have been pressed for sale, and the market is dull this afternoon at 811 841; London and Brighton, 1131 1141; Manchester, Sheffield, 'and Lincoln, 461 47; North Stafford, 141 141; Great Northern, 115 114 ; Great Northern A Stock, 116 118- London and Blackwell, 61 68. The next settling is fixed for the 30th and 31st.
The French Market has not been much affected either one way or the other this week, and quotations are much about the same. Lombardo-Vene- tian dull at /II dis. with little doing. Paris and Lyons' 3637; Northern of France, 28 29. The Indian Market is quiet—East t91 par. ; Great Indian Peninsula, 961 961; Bombay and Baroda, 93 94; and Madras, 90 95.' In Miseellaneous and other stocks and shares there is nothing worthy of notice.
The market was rather firmer this morning. The Foreign Market has been very inanimate, with-prime unaltered to any extent.
The circulation of the banks, private and joint-stock, in England and Wales, for the four weeks ending fhe 223 of September, are collected in the Bankers' Magazine, and compared with the circulation of Ireland and Scot- land, and with the previous month— Aug. 2.5, 1860. Sept. 22, 1860. Increase. Decrease_ Bank of England £21,677,669 .... £21,058,365 — £619,304
Private banks 3,350,069 .... 3,302,110 — 47,959- Joint-stock banks 2,227,249 .... 2,935.094 • . • • — Total in England £27,954,987 £27,295,569 — £659,418 Scotland 4,114,195 4,096,771 — .... 17,424
Ireland 6,187,709 6,166,077 ....- . 21,632
United Kingdom £38,256,891 .... £37,558,417 £693,474
And, as compared with the_month ending the 24th of September, 1869, the above returns show a decrease of 801,494./. in the circulation of notes in England, and a decrease of 692,6071. in the circulation of the United King- dom. ,
On comparing the above with the fixed issues of the several banks, the fol- lowing is the state of the circulation— The English private banks are be/ow their fixed issne.... £1,102,825 The English joint-stock banks are below their fixed 367,263
Total below fixed issue in'England £1,470,088
The Scotch banks are above their fixed issue 1,347,500 The Irish banks are below their fixed issue - The average stock of bullion held by the Bank of England n both depart- ments during the month ending the 19th of September was 16,174,3401., being an increase of 539,5871., as compared with the previous month, and 's decrease of 698,1271., when compared with the same period last year. The following are the amounts of specie held by the Scotch and birth banks during thamonth ending the 22d of September—
Geld and Silver held by the Scotch banks 22,456.069
Gold and Silver held by the Irish banks 2,276,015
being a decrease of 12,068/. as compared with the previous return, and an increase of 109,6921. when compared with the corresponding period last yea,.