27 OCTOBER 1860, page 2

Yorkshire -has Received, With' All The Honours Of Its Bread,

hearty hospitality; Lard Brougham and Lord Palmerston. The scene at•lEaddersfield brought up old recollections of the Member for Yorkshire, Henry Brougham, who returns, in his......

Two Of Our Ex-.judges Have Made Public Appearances. Sir John

Patteson vindicates his pension on the ground of his ser- vices. Sir John Taylor Coleridge, in an eminently liberal spirit, expounds his views on education. His enlarged schemes......

It Ai.y.

NABLES. • We have nothing yet but telegraphic news respecting the voting upon the question of annexation in Naples, but all the teleerams agree that the affirmative proposition......

The Elections Of The Recess Are Ominously Suggestive Of The

necessity of union amongst Liberals. With a wise policy, Bos- ton reconciles its sections, and adopts Mr.. Tuxford as its only candidate. Honiton unanimously returns Mr.......