Publications Received.
Two important contributions to the history of ancient art, written and edited by Mr. Falkener, have been issued this week by Messrs. Longman and Co. One of them, a treatise......
Literary News.
Mr. Alfred Tennyson, the Poet Laureate, is said to be engaged upon a new poem, on the subject of" Boadicea," which is expected to appear in the course of next year. The......
Panisurr Terravarcata.
IZAtiemption, an elaborate proverb. by M. Octave Fenillet, in which the reformation of a courtesan actress is effected at great length, now edifies the patrons of the......
Sot Sytatrts.
The novelties of the week have not hitherto been important. At the Lyceum, there is a wild, farcical melodrama, bearing painfully con- spicuous marks of its Transatlantic......
The Present Success Of Macfarren's Robin Hood Has Not Been
exceeded by that of any opera, English or foreign, produced in London for many years. The mflut to Her Majesty's Theatre on the nights of its,pft- formance is unabated, and a......