Two important contributions to the history of ancient art, written and edited by Mr. Falkener, have been issued this week by Messrs. Longman and Co. One of them, a treatise entitled Dadalus : or the Causes and Principles of the Excellence of Greek Sculpture, is the fruit of an exhana. tive research which has yielded some unexpected results. The frontis- piece of the volume, a restoration of the Parthenon, showing the ehrys- elephantine statue of Pallas, by Phidias, presents the startling appear- ance of a vaulted ceiling to a Greek temple. Repugnant as such a com- bination may be to the ideas entertained by most classical archeologists, we counsel them to suspend their judgment until they have weighed the arguments adduced in its favour. Perhaps, they will see the more cause to abstain from dogmatising on the subject, when they are reminded that Mr. Falkener's opinion is supported by that of so eminent an authority as Quatrembre de Quincy, who maintains that the arch which figures on many Roman coins of Grecian buildings represents the -vault of the temple. Mr. Falkenees other work is the well known Museum of Masai:cal Antiquities, which now appears in a new edition complete in one hand- some and richly bound volume, uniform -with the Declaim.
Dr. Bine, whose name is not unknown ailing naturalists, has essayed to break a lance with Mr. Darwin, to whose last famous book he hag replied in one entitled Species not Transmutable, nor the Result of Secon- dary causes.
My Life anti What Shall T Do with It is a treatise in which "An Old Maid" discusses "the more usually practicable ways in which edu- cated gentlewomen who have leisure and the will, may employ their own advantages in the gentlewomen, of uneducated and ungentle women, and
of their social tondition.l'
The Reverend James Whites History of England has made its appear- ance in a stout volume, uniform with the author's highly esteemed "History of France."
A Concise History of England is a judicious and very neatly written compendium, which will be read with interest and profit by schoolboys, and may be cordially commended to the members of Working Men's Colleges and Mechanics' Institutions, as a good introduction to more elaborate works, The English History of Messrs Ince and Gilbert is a considerably ex- tended edition of their "-Outlines of English History," the sale of which has already reached the enormous number of one hundred and seventy thousand copies.
In his Critical Annotations, Additional and Supplementary on the ...Vete Testament, Dr. Bloomfield, the Vicar of Bisbrooke' and the author of the well-known "Greek Testament, with English Notes," has endeavoured to give effect to his original idea, of constructing a Critical as well as the Philological and Exegetical divisions of his work. The fruits of a nova recensio of the text, with appropriate justifying annotations, are con- tained in a olosely-printed volume of moderate size ; the express object of which is to settle the reading of the text. The question that will occur to the uneducated mind on learning that such an adjustment is ne- cessary, is, how came this necessity to exist? Dr. Bloomfield avers that "a systematic course of critical tampering with, and altering of the text of the New Testament, under the guise of revision had arisen, and had reached a considerable height some time before the writing even of our earliest MSS. It is, indeed, fully proved not only on the testimony of Clemens, Irenceus, Jerome, and Tertullian, but of the most competent judge of such a matter, Origen." Dr. Bloomfield then has undertaken to restore the true text a the Greek Testament. How far such an enter- prise is possible, in the case of a "systematic falsification," such as he alleges, may be doubted; but that the learned and laborious collator of MSS. has shown immense patience in investigation, and has recorded the results of that investigation in an accessible form, cannot be denied. Ile has examined numerous authorities minutely compared different readings, and brought together a vast deal of verbal information. The point of view from which Dr. Bloomfield surveys his subject is, we should say, strictly orthodox. We are not aware that he rejects any portion of considerable length as spurious, notwithstanding his charge of systematic falsification. We find him defending the genuineness of the concluding portion of St. Mark's Gospel ; that passage of St. John's Gospel which is contained between vii. 53—viii. ; and the passage in the first epistle of that Evangelist, v. pt. 7-8, which competent scho- lars so generally agree in rejecting as an interpolation. We have said enough to characterize the execution of Dr. Bloomfieki's work, and the spirit which animates his critical labours.
A statement in our last number respecting the novel Hopes and Fears, needs some correction. The volumes lately published are not wholly a reprint. About three-fourths of the first volume appeared In the Con- stitutional Review ; the other third, and the whole of the second volume, are new.
Dattlalus ; or, the Causes and Principles of the Excellence of Greek Sculpture.
By Edward Falkener.
The Museum of Classical Antiquities ; being a series of Essays on Ancient Art. Edited by Edward Falkener. New edition, complete in one volume. ...Species not 7'renunnutable, nor the Result of Secondary Causes. Being a Critical Examination of Mr. Darwin's work; entitled "Origin and Variation of Species." By C. IL Bree, Esq., M.D.
History of England; from the Earliest Times to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. By the Reverend James White.
My Life, and What shall I Do wills II? A question for Young Gentlewomen. By an Old Maid.
The Wit and Wisdom of the Rererend Sydney Smith. A Selection of the most Memorable Passages in his Writings and Conversation.
The Practical Housewife ; a complete Encyclopedia of Domestic Economy and Family Medical Guide. By the original Editor of the" Family Friend," &c. New edition, revised and greatly enlarged.
The Tolunteers' Manual of Health and Vigour ; or the Laws of Life applied to the Natural, Healthful, and Beautiful in Humanity. By Henry Smith, M.D.
Mary flock. My Adventures in Texas. By Percy 13. St. John.
The Year 1800; or, the Sayings and Doings of our Fathers and Ifolhers Sixty Years Ago. As recorded in the Newspapers and other Periodicals. Prepared by F. Perigal.
Journal of Workhouse Visiting Society. No. 9. September, 1860.
Thorley's Illustrated Farmer's Almanack for 186L