Apropos of colossal statues, we have to add to the
list of modern works of the kind, a statue of the Holy Virgin in bronsie, the work of M. Bon- nassieux, which has recently been erected on Mount Corneille, at Puy. This figure is above fifty feet high, and formed in no less than 120 pieces ; it has also in the interior a winding staircase. The metal was part of the spoils of Sebastopol, taken by the French, and is said to have been made up of 213 cannons, which the Emperor directed to be used for this pur- pose. Some unfortunate misprints in our remarks on colossal statues, require that we should correct them by explaining that, "the great statue of Athene " referred to by Demosthenes, was the Minerva Poliades, and that the height of this statue was not known, and consequently, not the same as that of the Egyptian colossi. The position of the Wellington statue and the "Achilles" is said to be most advantageous instead of disadvantageous.