SIR,—As you have indicated your opinion that Mr. Butler's letter contains its own answer, and as, since he wrote, but before his letter appeared, I have replied in the Times on the subject, I would not now add another word, had I been able to discover what are the facts asserted in my letter of October 9 which Mr. Butler impugns. He is very positive upon points where I at most hazarded an opinion, and although my experience of the All Souls' Fellowship elections is at least equal to his, I should always hesitate to make any positive affirmation as to the issue of elec- tions conducted by a large and heterogeneous body, collected together for two or three days from distant parts of the country, of various ages, of different conditions of life, and of divers views, pursuits, and occupations. But neither the College administra-
tion nor my share therein was the subject at issue. The Com- mission was charged with " a breach of faith aggravated by delay," with "direct and deliberate injustice," and with the in- fliction of "random blows," and it is satisfactory to find that these charges are now abandoned.—I am, Sir, &e.,