The All Souls' Fellowships.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE" SFEOTATOE."] SIR,—As you have indicated your opinion that Mr. Butler's letter contains its own answer, and as, since he wrote, but before his letter......
A Court Of Review In Criminal Cases.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTA.TOR."1 SIR, —Will you permit me to suggest, as an addition to your demand for a Court of Review of capital sentences, that such a Court should......
A Small Modern Congregationalist School.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") .SIR, —In the note affixed to Mr. Lyttelton's letter, you speak of the tenet that some men will "absolutely die, while others win .eternal......
The Authority Of Texts.
go THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] conceive that there is a text which is itself an authority against the arbitrary authority of texts. The " word of prophecy " is treated by......
The " Root Of All Evil"
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. ") not P4're. yoZp crI in co Kwv xecx . 6v crry paapyveta, " Love of money is the root of all that is bad," very much the same as " Quid non......
P Oetr Y.
[These spirited linos, written four and twenty years ago, are in many respects so applicable to the events of last Session, that we think they may interest our readors.—ED.......
The Cleopatra-needle Difficulty.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, —Among the numerous sites which have been suggested as a final resting-place for Cleopatra's Needle, should that interesting relic ever......
The Church Congress And Dissent.
[Y0 THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—May I say that though I feel sure you desire to be strictly fair, you are scarcely so to those who object to throw open the Churchyards......