There Are All Sorts Of Rumours About The Future, The
Govern- ment putting out " feelers " to see how public opinion regards the various courses still open to it. Thus the Constitutionnel states that on the meeting of the Chambers......
M. Gambetta Delivered A Speech On Wednesday At A Private
meeting held at Chateau Chinon, Nievre, to promote the candidature of a Republican (M. Gudin) at the second ballot to-morrow, the chief interest of which is its moderation as to......
Mr. Alfred Austin, Who, As Our Readers Should Know, Is,
an oratorical poet, is also something of a poetical orator, and at Brighton on Monday, in addressing the "Conservative and Con- stitutional Association " of that place, he......
The Times, In A Curious Article Apparently Provoked By...
and pervaded by a scarcely intelligible vein of satire, tells us that under the treaty of Chefoo we have now a right to establish ail Embassy at Lhassa, and publishes a quantity......
The News From South Africa Is Not Nice, Though It
will help on Federation. Krell, chief of the Galekas, in the Transkei, is offended about something or other, and has sanctioned two at- tacks on Europeans. In one, on the 24th......
President Hayes Has Done A Very Weak Thing. He Wished,
in accordance with some etiquette about the territorial distribution of office, or for some other reason, to give the London Legation to a politician from Pennsylvania, and Mr.......
In The Pall Mall Gazette, A Writer Who Believes That
Russia is raising all sorts of dangers to British India in Afghanistan, and who on that hypothesis fights ably and temperately enough against the policy of inaction in Central......
Father Curd, The Great Jesuit Preacher Of Rome, And Editor
of the Civilat Cattolica, has, it is stated, been expelled the Order. He had, it is said, recommended that the Pope should 'assume the position of a spiritual chief only, should......