The Times, in a curious article apparently provoked by nothing,
and pervaded by a scarcely intelligible vein of satire, tells us that under the treaty of Chefoo we have now a right to establish ail Embassy at Lhassa, and publishes a quantity of information about Warren Hastings' mission there. It may be worth while, if we think this permission is sincere, to avail ourselves of it, first, because the Mission would gather information of great interest—what records there must be in these old Lamaserais! perhaps traces of the earliest emigrations—and know much more accurately than at present what is occurring on the great plateau ; and secondly, because Lhassa is not always in perfect accord with Pekin. A notion that Lamaism ought to rule China has at times prevailed there, and we have heard, on unquestionable authority, that very strange and wild offers were transmitted thence to Lord Auckland. There are letters, we imagine, still in the Secret Department of the India Office which it would be extremely expedient that Sir Thomas Wade should see.