Surely a shilling would have been more suitable to "generous."
Cuchulain : a Dramatic Poem. By W. C. Upton. (M. H. Gill and Son.)—We are not impressed by Mr. Upton's poem. It is poor and bombastic in style, as well as generally devoid of interest. The tragic utterances of Cnchulain not tmfrequently descend to a most ludicrous bathos. Here is an instance :— "At last I'm tired ; the wounds Of many weary fights have sapped my aria, i My step s weak, my bosom burns with Ilan, And my exhausted spirit craves a drink.'
Again, when he is moralising over a friend whom he has been obliged to slay in single combat
"Bound and round
My fingers I can roll the yellow curls, Which gently wake some pious retrospect."
Such lines speak for themselves.