The Ladies Of Plato. With Introduction And Notes By M.
T. Tatham, M.A. (Macmillan and Co.)—Both from its shortness and the comparative simplicity of its matter, the Lazhes is doubtless better adapted than the majority of Plato's......
Xenophon's Anabasis, Books Iv. And V. With Notes And Vocabu-
lary. "Rivington's Greek Texts."—These two little volumes are printed in good, clear type, and are of a very convenient size. They are furnished with notes and vocabularies. We......
Platonis Crito. With Introduction, Notes, And Appendix,...
B.A. (Pitt Press.)—Mr Adam has given, us in his Crito a work which is quite equal in merit to his edition of the "Apology." The Crito is certainly the most interesting, if,......
New Enrmons.—notes On The Wimbledon Library. By L. W....
Third edition. (E. Stanford.)—Heartsease. By C. M. Yonge. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. —Theological Essays. By R. H. Hutton. Third edition, revised.—Literary Essays. By R. H.......
Selections From Xenophon's Anabasis, Book Iv. With Notes...
Edited by E. D. Stone, M.A. (Macmillan and Co.)— Mr. Stone has in this volume done for Greek what Mr. Wilkinson haadcme for Latinin his " Selections from Ovid." The part of the......
Lysias Epitaphios. With Introduction And Notes By F. J....
B.A. (Clarendon Press.)—For schoolmasters who are in want of a Greek book for the fourth or fifth forms which is not too hard, Mr. Snell's book will be very useful. The......
The Satires And Epistles Of Horace. Edited, With Notes, By
J. B. Greenough. (Ginn and Co.)—Mr. Greenough tells us that his work is meant for the class-room, and yet he attempts nothing in the way of commenting on the difficulties of the......
Potybius : The History Of The Acheean League. With...
and Notes by W. W. Capes, M.A. (Macmillan and Co.)—The final struggle of the Greeks to retain their national independence in the face of foreign aggression and internal......
The Odyssey Of Homer, Book Ix. With Introduction, Notes, And
Appendices. Edited by G. M. Edwards, M.A. (Cambridge University Press.)—The chief value of this book consists in its introduction and appendices. The notes are good and......
Essays Of Elia. 2 Vols. (g. P. Putnam's Sons.)—an Extremely
handy little edition, beautifully printed, and fit to be carried in the pocket, as "Ella" deserves. But why, oh ! why will not pub- lishers who take so much trouble and risk so......
P. Teresa Phormio. With Notes And Introductions By The Rev.
A. Sloman, M.A. (Clarendon Press.)—This edition is intended for use in the higher forms at schools. There is every reason to suppose that it will prove very useful in this......