Poems And Translations. By Edward Thring. (t. Fisher...
can fail to read these poems with a great deal of pleasure. If Mr. Thring was not a poet, he had nevertheless a strong vein of poetry in his nature. His verses are not merely......
Which Are Worthy Of Being Clothed In A Better Form
than Mr. Ambler has been able to give them. More than this we cannot say. "A Leaf from Marc Antony" is a short poem after the model of Lord Tennyson's " Locksley Hall." But if......
Poems. By Philipps Stewart. (kegan Paul, Trench, And Co.)...
Stewart's poems are for the most part of a somewhat morbid nature. His melancholy, as far as we can discover, is chiefly caused by the general shortness of human life. But as......
Platonis Crito. With Introduction, Notes, And Appendix,...
B.A. (Pitt Press.)—Mr Adam has given, us in his Crito a work which is quite equal in merit to his edition of the "Apology." The Crito is certainly the most interesting, if,......
Lyrics Of The Sea. By E. H. Brodie. (george Bell
and Sons.)— Mr. Brodie's verses would perhaps be best described by the term "rhetorical." The two lyrics which stand first in the volume and which give to it its title are very......
Surely A Shilling Would Have Been More Suitable To...
Cuchulain : a Dramatic Poem. By W. C. Upton. (M. H. Gill and Son.)—We are not impressed by Mr. Upton's poem. It is poor and bombastic in style, as well as generally devoid of......
Thoughts And Fancies For Sunday Evenings. By Walter C....
(James Maclehose and Sons.)—Mr. Smith is well known to the public as a poet. His poem entitled " Hilda " has stamped him as a writer possessed of great power and thought, as......
School Books.
pleted his edition of the Oresteia. When we have said that his Eumenides reaches the same high standard of excellence that his Agamtermon and Chcaphoroi did, we feel that we......