Popular Poultry Pointers. By Ralston R. Hannas, M.Sc. (New York
: The Macmillan Company. 10s. 6d. net.) Popular Poultry Pointers. By Ralston R. Hannas, M.Sc. (New York : The Macmillan Company. 10s. 6d. net.) Even a city man " possessed by the back-to-the-farm bug " would soon "get wise to" poultry-keeping if he studied this manual. Mr. Hannas is an American and writes with trans- atlantic gusto for his compatriots ; but pullets are pullets the world over and the mere Britisher could not obtain a sounder guide to modern commercial poultry-farming. It is just the book for anyone embarking on the pursuit, if allowance is made for the difference between English and American climatic and market conditions. In a word, a thoroughly up-to-date, sound handbook, despite the author's slight tendency to "pep" his paragraphs.