27 OCTOBER 1923, page 26

An Ambitious Man, Trained By An Ambitious Mother, Seeks...

in England and India. He fails of it, but the story ends well and the interest is maintained.......

The Criterion. October. Vol. Ii., No. V.

The Criterion, at the opening of its second year, shows no lowering of its standard of excellence, and the list of contribu- tors to the present number, which includes the late......

The Quarterly Review.

Professor J. Arthur Thomson, who writes on " The New Biology," always holds the attention ; for him science is romance, and he makes it so for his readers. He is fascinated by......

Scribner. 7s. 6d.) A War Book. Terrible In Its Photographic

reality, bringing to mind all that we are striving to forget.......

A Notable Article By Mr. H. W. C. Davis Deals

with the devious tactics of that arch-intriguer, Brougham, in the years between Waterloo and the death of George IV. Brougham was trying at one and the same time to curry favour......

Stony Ground. By Lady Miles. (hutchinson. 78. 6d.) The Story

purports to be the history of a " virtuous vampire." Her sister, the second heroine, who has all the sympathy of her creator, strikes the reader as a selfish and conceited......

Tantalus. By Dorothy Easton. (heinemann. 7s. Gd.) Miss...

novel has a hurried, breathless air : it reads like a translation from the Scandinavian, and particu- larly like a translation of Hans Andersen. It is a strange (Continued on......

Love Letters To A Dead Woman. By H. D. Harben.

(Chatto and Windus. 6s. net.) It seems strange that nowadays someone should venture on the difficult technique of telling a story by means of a series of letters without better......

The Scottish Historical Review. (glasgow : Mac- Lehose,...

net.) The Jacobite plot to seize Edinburgh Castle in 1715, on the eve of the rising under Mar, is related in highly interesting detail by Major K. A. Moody-Stuart, who has made......

From A Welsh Hillside. By John And Emily Pearson Finnemore.

(Black. 5s. net.) It is a pity that somebody does not write better stories of Wales than those exemplified by this book, which consist of a good deal of local colour, much......

The Quarterlies.

THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. The first article of the new Edinburgh, by Mr. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, is an informing survey of the progress of Czecho- slovakia, which comes opportunely at......