27 OCTOBER 1923, page 25
A NEW NOVELIST.t IT was unwise of Mr. Liam O'Flaherty to publish his reasons for writing this novel. He wrote it, he says, in the first place because Synge's book about one of......
Heirs Apparent. By Philip Gibbs. (hutchinson. 7s. Gd....
Philip Gibbs is more at home in describing conditions and events which he himself has witnessed than in fiction. For this reason his present book, Heirs Apparent, is not nearly......
Tantalus. By Dorothy Easton. (heinemann. 7s. Gd.) Miss...
novel has a hurried, breathless air : it reads like a translation from the Scandinavian, and particu- larly like a translation of Hans Andersen. It is a strange (Continued on......