Who would not be a member of our banking staffs to-day, when to salaries on a fairly high basis—especially for the younger members of the staff—are added sub- stantial bonuses, freedom from the worries of Income Tax payments, two-thirds of salary pension in the evening of life, and now, so far as Lloyds Bank at all events is concerned, a modest share, under certain condi- tions, in the profits. It is not, of course, to be pretended that per capita the sum immediately available out of the profit-sharing scheme would be very great, the staff having grown to such huge dimensions. Nevertheless, the principle involved is an important one, and the directors of Lloyds Bank have shown that they arc in earnest in the matter by basing the scheme not on a higher dividend than the one at present enjoyed by the shareholders, but upon the dividend declared for the past year. * * * *