27 OCTOBER 1961, Page 15

kR,—I have not the slightest doubt that Mr. Don- nelly

can demolish the arguments put forward by Mr. Otter, but I feel that the issues raised by Mr. Otter need further examination. There is no doubt that the faces seen in Pembroke the day the demon- stration against the German troops flopped were the same faces seen so often in the Committee of 100 demonstrations against the NATO nuclear powers.

The implication that many supporters of the Committee of 100 are Communist received real con- firmation on October 21, when only 800 members could be organised to sit down at the Russian Em- bassy. If the country proposing to set off the 50- Megaton bomb had been America 1 am sure every comrade and fellow-traveller supporter of the or- ganisation (certainly more than 800) would have been there. On Saturday the comrades were con- spicuous by their absence.