27 OCTOBER 1961, page 14

Treatment Or Punishment Sir,—mr. John Sylvester's...

on this more than ever con- troversial subject gives rise to many additional reflections. When it is asked : 'What kind of possibility of punishment will deter a first offence?......

Sta,—to Charles Brand, Our Thanks! I Write, Not Only As

a grammar school master, but also as a member of the dear old AMA, the Assistant Masters' Association. After that disgraceful exhibition on the Tonight programme last week, when......

Basic Slag S, ,—it Is Regrettable That You Have Once

more given Charles Brand room in your columns to display his obvious feeling of intellectual and professional superiority. He sees the grammar school teacher, dealing with the......

Who Can Compare The Work Done By A Good Sixth-

form teacher and, say, a good infant teacher? Not I: nor, I venture to suggest, Mr. Brand. Certainly neither could do the other's job. Unfortunately the Govern- ment is prepared......

Sir,—i Apologise To Sir Geoffrey Haworth If My...

magistrates (i.e., the police)' was misleading. I did not mean to imply that the police overtly ask for particular punishments; 1 was sug- gesting that they nevertheless exert a......