27 OCTOBER 1961, page 15

Sir,—apologies; And My Thanks To Miss Lepervanche. The...

the swansdown scat was in truth an English harlot. RAYMOND POSTGATE 45 Hendon Lane, N3......


SIR,—Thank you very much for printing Mr. MacLeish's article entitled 'Dementia Americana' in your issue of September 29. This is exactly the kind of service which our . recent......

Sir,—mr. Laurens Otter May Say That Obstructing Public...

an already overworked Police force into even longer hours and making a great public nuisance of oneself so that one's views may gain greater publicity and acceptance by others s......

Kr,—i Have Not The Slightest Doubt That Mr. Don- Nelly

can demolish the arguments put forward by Mr. Otter, but I feel that the issues raised by Mr. Otter need further examination. There is no doubt that the faces seen in Pembroke......

The Centurions

S1 R ,— May 1 add a supporting postscript to Mr. C orrelli Barnett's admirable and important letter Published last week? We are suffering, in a Peculiarly dangerous way, from......

Sir,—before The Point Is Entirely Forgotten, May I Go Back

to the beginning of this correspondence? Mr. Correlli Barnett set up a mythical reviewer-gang member as a target for his sarcasm; one of the things wrong with this fellow is......

Slit,-1 Read John Sylvester's Article, 'treatment Or...

sympathy : a rational Ind quite irrefutable case for a more humane con- :ern for the criminal (God speed the day when that Nord loses its odious stigma!). 1 was the more......


SIR,—Monica Furlong has some pretty odd ideas of press intrusion. She says that I 'insisted' upon the interview with the unfrocked vicar which appeared in the 'Where are they......