27 OCTOBER 1961, Page 15

Slit,-1 read John Sylvester's article, 'Treatment or Punishment,' with passionate

sympathy : a rational Ind quite irrefutable case for a more humane con- :ern for the criminal (God speed the day when that Nord loses its odious stigma!).

1 was the more strongly disappointed, therefore, :hat he should have abandoned his objectivity in he penultimate sentence of his article ('their 3overnment having increased the pay of the police ;Mile refusing the teachers'). This allegation is quite


Whatever the rights and wrongs surrounding the lebates on teachers' pay and their salary negotia- dog machinery (such worthy discussions, i am sure, but oh! so wearisome and bewildering!) one un- :hallengeable fact emerges; the Government has offered teachers a quite appreciable rise in their salaries (my own will increase by 17 per cent, for :xample), and, furthermore, seems praiseworthily :onscious that even though all teachers are supposed :o be equal, some are more equal than others and ihould be paid accordingly.