BY the latest telegrams, it would appear as if. the Chambord negotiation had again fallen through. It was reported, on authority, in the beginning of the week that the Legitimists had .again sent messengers to M. de Chambord, who found him open to reason on the subject of a crusade for the Temporal Power, inclined to accept modern amendments to the Charter of 1814 — the only one he acknowledges—but indistinct and reticent on the subject of the Flag. It is now stated that he adheres to his flag, Which the Orleanists and the Army refuse to accept, and the negotiation therefore has fallen through. The Monarchical party therefore intend to proclaim Henri Cinq, a Constitution, and the Tricolour all at once, and leave it to him to accept -or to reject that summons. If he accepts, all is well ; if not, the Comte de Paris will" reign, under the title of the Dauphin of France.- All this reads to us very dreamy indeed. In the first place, how can the Legitimists coerce their King? In the second, why should France submit to a Monarch, with all the ancient pretension and none of its single advantage, unbroken hereditary continuity ? We presume further efforts will be made to move the Count, failing which the Legitimists _ will dissolve the Assembly, in the despairing hope that France may accept their master, flag and all. It is a noteworthy fact that no candidate has yet ventured to propose a restoration on the hustings.