The Intransigente Revolt By Land Seems To Be Dying Away,
but it involves in appearance several very serious complications. The President, who has released the Deerhound and sent back the Murillo, and implores English aid against......
It Has Been A Superstition For Generations That A Marriage
performed by a Captain of a man-of-war on his own quarter-deck was legal, and it may turn out to be so yet. Her Majesty's law .officers, however, having informed the Admiralty......
A Very Ghastly Suggestion Is Offered As The Explanation Of
the "Thames Murder," the murder in which the remains of a woman have been found cut up distributed along the river. It is sug- gested that from the hellish ferocity displayed,......
Colonel Nassau Lees Has Published And The Times Has En-
dorsed a most dangerous letter on Indian finance. The Colonel, whose opinion is important in philology, but who has had no great experience in finance, says the Indian......
Affairs In Spain Are Not Much Better This Week, But
they are 'entering on a somewhat new phase. President Castelar is at last alone and absolute, the Cortes having departed, and all Spain having been declared in a state of siege.......
During The Session Of The British Association At Bradford, A
meeting was held there under Lord Houghton's presidency to promote the higher education of women, at which the most admirable views were elaborated, but whether with the result......
The Ashantee Preparations Are Going On More Briskly Than...
and Sir Garnet Wolseley will shortly be on the spot with his staff, when matters will probably look a little less alarming, all force being concentrated for the one great......
A Curious Piece Of News Has Come From Melbourne,—that The
two passengers, Messrs. Mount and Morris, who were on board the kidnapping vessel Karl, and had been sentenced to fifteen years' penal servitude,—and who were certainly Murray's......