The Austrian Socialist Government have published in a Red Book
some of the Austrian diplomatic correspondence relating to the outbreak of the war. The most notable extract which has reached this country is the report of a conversation between the German Emperor and the Austrian Ambassador on July 5th, 1914. The Emperor advised Austria to take drastic action against Serbia at once. " Russia's attitude would be hostile, but be for years had been prepared for this war." He " would regret it if we left unused the present moment which was so favourable to us." The document reveals the chief maker of the war at his evil work. Strangely enough, the German Press has professed to find in the Red Book evidence for the theory that Austria dragged a loyal but unwilling Germany into the conflict. The Germans, that is to say, would have us believe that they were not knaves but fools. Credat Judaeue. At any time in July, 1914, the German Emperor could have prevented a European war if he had wished to do so. Austria was his puppet.