The Austrian Socialist Government Have Published In A Red...
some of the Austrian diplomatic correspondence relating to the outbreak of the war. The most notable extract which has reached this country is the report of a conversation......
Sir Auckland Geddes On Monday Was Asked By The British
motor manufacturers to put a duty of one-third of their value on imported motor-cars and motor-op:des to the end of 1921, and to restrict the importation of other motor......
The Existence Of Such Work Has Been Reported From Various
parts of the country, but on examination the alleged Pied has always proved to be merely some form of Cob, an entirely different thing. Pis6 de Terre, as has often been......
For The Rest, Lord French Refers To The Compliments Paid
to him by Mr. Asquith as showing that Mr. Asquith must ha ve trusted him implicitly, and he argues that these compliments are a contradiction of Mr. Asquith's subsequent......
Many Of Those Who Have Inspected The Pis6 House Now
ie process of erection at Newlands Corner, near Guildford, have very reasonably asked whether any old Pise houses may be seen in this country. They desire ocular proof of the......
As Regards The Dispute As To The Supply Of Munitions,
there is a complete conflict of evidence. Lord French tells us again that he never made any such statement to Lord Kitchener as Mr. Asquith quoted in his Newcastle speech. As......
Lord French Now Quotes In Full A Letter From Lord
Kitchener with reference to the visit to- Paris. The relevant part of this letter is that in which Lord Kitchener gives the text of a telegram which he sent from Paris to the......
The Hypocrisy Of The German Chancellor In Regard To Sir
Edward Grey's various proposals for mediation between Austria and Russia is well shown in another document in the Red Book. He promised to transmit to Vienna the proposals, to......
Count Berchtold, Who Was Austrian Premier In July, 1914, Is
revealed in the Red Book as a man after Bismarck's own heart. Bismarck precipitated the Franco-Prussian War by editing a despatch from King William at Ems, concerning his......
Lord French In A Preface To A New Edition Of
his book 1914 has attempted to answer the counter-charges made against him by Mr. Asquith. It will be remembered that in his book Lord French complains of the visit to Paris of......