.rti.E ARROW OF GOLD.• Mu. CONRAD employs.his method of clairvoyance retrospectively in The Arrow of Gold to illuminate the closing scenes of the Second Empire and the opening......
The Diary Of A South African. By M. ?l Steyn.
(Cape Town: J. 0. Jute. 5s. ed.)—This unpretentious autobiography contains interesting chapters on Kimberley and Johannesburg in the early days. Mr. Steyn was born at the Cape,......
Yellowleaf. By Sachs Gregory. (william Heinemann. 7s....
be presumed from the absence of- other works on the title-page, Yellowleaf is a first novel, it is a decidedly remarkable production. The theme is both original and -subtle, and......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily previa& cubsepoed review.) Whams' A.B.C. of the Great War. Compiled by E. W. Colbrook. (Odhams. 6s. net.)—This book of reference to......
How The War Came. By Lord Loreburn. (methuen. 7a. 6d.
net.)—Lord Loreburn's book recalls, and seems to be inspired by, the old feud within the Liberal Party between the " Little Englanders " and the Liberal Imperialists. Most......