It is not given to many of us to be
able to compare Hammer- fest with Punta Arenas, to estimate the relative merits of a Lapp but and a Mongolian yurl, or the conveniences of a Yellowstone tourist-lodge as contrasted with those of a dak bungalow ; but such is and has been the happy lot of Mr. Harry A. Franck, and wherever he goes he carries with him a seeing eye, a lively pen and a feeling for atmosphere. These three companions help him to produce his really excellent travel- hooks, and as good as either of its forerunners is A Scandinavian Summer (Methuen, 12s. 6d.), which flits with enjoyment and interest, shared in by the reader, through parts of Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway with Lapland. In these days of industrial unrest attention may be specially drawn to the way in which Sweden manages her iron-miners in Kiruna—nearly all of them Communists, all well-dressed and well-paid, and so contented that no difficulty is ever " found in getting good men to work far above the Arctic circle."