Financial Notes
GENERAL. DEPRESSION. MOST of the factors operating upon the Stock Markets during the past week have been of an unfavourable character. Foremost among these influences has been......
A Banking Retirement.
Few bankers on the occasion of their retirement have received warmer tributes than those which have been paid by all the leading journals to Mr. John Rae, the Chief Manager of......
A Wide Experience.
This "satisfaction " is certainly shared by the City, where Mr. Rae's exceptional abilities and sound judgment have long been recognized. Such men can ill be spared at the......
* * * * United Molasses.
It never rains but it pours, and in addition to other depressing influences, the industrial market has been affected this week by the postponement of the interim dividend on......
The Report Of Imperial Airways For The Financial Year Up
to . March 81st last shows an increase in gross revenue. but the income was earned as the result of greatly enlarged operations, and the net profit was rather lower, being......
The Fall In German Loans Had A Depressing - Effect Upon
International stocks generally, while in the Industrial section the depression was emphasized by the passing of theliaterini dividend by the United Molasses Company, and......
A Bright Spot.
In contrast to the depression affecting many markets, and by way, perhaps, of evidence of there being a considerable volume of resources awaiting investment, marked success......