In The Sixth Committee Of The League Assembly On Tuesday,
Mr. Buxton the British representative, expressed the opinion that the Mandates Commission should be enabled to use the great experience which it was acquiring "for the benefit......
A Wheat Quota A Far Better And Safer Plan For
helping the farmer, as it seems to us, is that of a wheat quota. A very concise presentation of this policy by Colonel E. A. Ruggles-Brise was published in the Times of Friday,......
The Latter Part Of Lord Rothermere's Article Contains...
It warns Englishmen of the danger of failing to get Europe disarmed in aCcordance with the pledge to Germany and to satisfy the national minorities that the League is really......
The Excuse Of The Politician-economist Is, No Doubt, That...
themselves humiliate us, and it is unfortunately true that a man Who is earning nothing cannot afford to buy anything even though plenteous harvests arc all round him. Perhaps......
The Soviet And Cheap Corn
During the past week much information has been published about the remarkable efforts of the Soviet Government to export corn and sell it at whatever price it will fetch. It is......
The Improvement In India The Government Of India's Weekly...
of the situation published in the papers of Wednesday, was by far the most encouraging which has been issued since civil disobedience began. There are unmistakable signs that......
The Washington Correspondent Of The Times Says That It Is
a common belief in the United States that the Soviet is trying to " demoralize grain prices." In judging of the reasonableness of this belief it must be remembered that......
Disarmament Mr. Scullin, The Australian Prime Minister,...
a brief visit to Geneva, addressed the Reduction of Armaments Committee of the League last Saturday. He said that his Government strongly supported the principle of giving......