A Wheat Quota A far better and safer plan for
helping the farmer, as it seems to us, is that of a wheat quota. A very concise presentation of this policy by Colonel E. A. Ruggles-Brise was published in the Times of Friday, September 19th. According to his proposal, the British mills would be required to grind specified quotas of home-grown and Empire-grown wheat with a balance of foreign-grown wheat. This quota scheme would be in addition to the guaranteed price for wheat which was recently offered to the farmer by Mr. Baldwin. There seems to be no reason why such a policy should not be accepted by all the parties, for all parties alike arc alive at last to the cardinal importance of saving agriculture. No party takes alarm at expedients which formerly would have been considered unconventional if not heretical. Indeed, Dr. Addison, President of the Board -of Agriculture, has himself already accepted the quota principle, though he couples it with bulk purchase.