27 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 2

In the Sixth Committee of the League Assembly on Tuesday,

Mr. Buxton the British representative, expressed the opinion that the Mandates Commission should be enabled to use the great experience which it was acquiring "for the benefit of native races throughout the world." This statement was taken to mean that the British Government would be glad to see the Mandate principle extended to all Colonies. Great Britain, so far as we can see, would lose nothing by such an extension. Traders of all countries are already given equality of opportunity with British traders in the Crown colonies. If that example spread, as it very well might under the instigation of a universalized Mandate system, so much the better. Further, the Mandate system for all colonies would probably ease the strain of international covetousness. Colonies under a Mandate system would seem to be held by a less direct form of ownership. It would not be surprising, if under such conditions Germany should feel that after all she had nothing to gain—except a burden of responsibility—by pressing for the restoration of her former colonies.

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