The Improvement in India The Government of India's weekly appreciation
of the situation published in the papers of Wednesday, was by far the most encouraging which has been issued since civil disobedience began. There are unmistakable signs that resentment is increasing at the disturbance of ordinary life. The confidence of many followers of the Congress has been shaken. The apprehensions of the minority communities have been intensified and their opposition to the Congress policy has consequently stiffened. Parents and students are reacting against the attempted boycott of education. The Congress policy cannot succeed without the support of a large part of the Hindu middle classes, but these very classes are being alienated because of their losses through the trade boycott. The propaganda of the Congress has overreached itself. It has claimed an assured success, whereas the lessening force of civil disobedience and the solid presence of the Raj are visible to anyone who uses his eyes. " On the whole " says the writer of the appreciation " while there is good reason to take a sanguine view of the future there is no justification for any relaxation of effort."
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