27 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 2

The Soviet and Cheap Corn

During the past week much information has been published about the remarkable efforts of the Soviet Government to export corn and sell it at whatever price it will fetch. It is impossible to say precisely in what degree this policy is part of the Five Years' Plan and in what degree it is related to propaganda in the peasant States. During the discussion of the Economic Committee of the Assembly at Geneva on Tuesday it was stated that Rumania and Hungary were exporting only, about half -the amount of corn which they exported two years ago, and that the peasants were in acute distress. In several countries as well as in Russia there is the startling paradox that people surrounded by plenty are living on the border line of want. Most speakers in the Economic Committee were careful to attribute the crisis in the main to universal economic depression, but quite as many of them thought that the Russian policy of " dumping had distinctly aggravated the evil.

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