General Knowledge Questions
Orn weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to the Ven. Hugh Bright, Arch- :deacon of Stafford, The Close, Lichfield, for the following
Questions on Cathedrals
I. What constitutes a cathedral ?
2. Which are the cathedrals of the Old Foundations ? What is their special characteristic ?
3. What is the meaning of the title " Prebendary " ? 4. Whence did the English cathedrals derive their statutes?
5. What is a Chapter House ? What is the meaning of "The Chapter " applied to the cathedral body ? 6. Who are the " dignities " of the Chapter ?
7. What architect lies buried in the cathedral he built ? What Latin quotation is inscribed in the Cathedral to his memory ?
8. is the longest cathe;dral in England ?
5. Whirl, ,athedral has th,S largest amount of old English painted glass ?
10. Who transformed the Norman nave of his cathedral into perpendicular ? I L Which cathedral has a College of Cardinals ?
12. What is the meaning of " conga drelire " ?
13. What are the dedications of the Cathedrals of Canterbury, London, York, and Lichfield ?
. Answers will be found on page 425..