The Motoring Regulations
On Tuesday officials of the Ministry of Transport received a deputation representing the motoring organiza- tions, the British Medical Association, local authorities, the police, and others, to consider the proposed regulations under the new Traffic Act. The discussion was apparently satisfactory to everybody. No objection was raised to the declarations in regard to physical fitness and eyesight. The onus of making a true declaration rests upon the applicant. The Morning Post says that the test for eyesight in doubtful cases is ability to read a letter of the alphabet nine millimetres high and nine millimetres wide at a distance of twenty feet. Applicants required to pass this test would be allowed to use glasses or not as they pleased. Mr. Morrison has evidently decided that the Act shall not be interpreted in any harassing or vexatious manner. No reasonable motorist has anything to fear. The general effect of the Act will be to increase
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