Sydney Silverman
Sir: It is our intention to honour the memory of the late Sydney Silverman by planting a wood in Israel.
The late Sydney Silverman was a parliamen-
tartan of nation-wide repute. He was a Member of the House for thirty-three years and during this period he championed many 'lost' causes: his frail form hardly indicated what a doughty fighter for justice he was. His great moment of achievement was when the Bill for the Abolition of Capital Punishment was passed. For this he had striven over many years, often in face of massive opposition. Throughout all his travails he remained a. cheerful, friendly figure.
The many thousands of citizens who ad- mired the integrity, sincerity and courage of Sydney Silverman will, we are sure, like to associate themselves in this tribute, which we think will be a fitting and lasting memorial. Contributions toward the cost of the wood should be sent -to the chairman of the Sydney Silverman Memorial Wood at the address below.
Ritha7ACrossman Michael Foot Boothby Ian Mikardo
Jeremy Thorpe Harold Miller (Chairman)
The Sydney Silverman Memorial Wood, Rex House, 4/12 Regent Street, London SW1