Homer's Ghost
Sir: Christopher 1-iollis's verses in your issue of 23 August provoke me to reply: Dear Mr Hollis, pity me, For knowing not your tutor, Who might have been a better man,......
The Party's Over Now
Sir: Please allow me to correct an unfortunate typing error in my article last week. Burke should not have been 'observing the antics of • Peel' but, of course, those of Pitt!......
From Bad To Verse
Sir: It is possible that many of your readers do not know either Mr MacBeth's work or Mr MacBeth himself. I should merely like to point out that Mr Seymour-Smith's weird, not to......
Sydney Silverman
Sir: It is our intention to honour the memory of the late Sydney Silverman by planting a wood in Israel. The late Sydney Silverman was a parliamen- tartan of nation-wide repute.......
The Real Price
Sir: Many latter-day Uncle Toms, as described by George Michael (20 September), could be freed to serve under chosen masters were the shackles of their occupational pension......
Help For The Old
Sir: Through the courtesy of your columns we would like to draw your attention to 'Contact,' an organisation set up in Marylebone three years ago by a group of young people to......
The Troubles Of Ted
Sir : In his article of 20 September, Auberon Waugh uses the expression 'a cat-in-hell's chance.' I should like to know whether this is an English or an American idiom. If the......
Chess No. 406
PHILIDOR 9 men 8 men W. A. Shinkman (Detroit Free Press, 1885). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. A05 (Havel): Q - B 7, threat 2 R x Kt......