Table Talk
Sir: Though Sir Denis Brogan thinks my letter very funny, he still has to move the targets (Letters, 20 September). (1) No extra marks to a Rutherglen man for knowing Kilsyth or......
'pit A Lass On Tmto Tap, Gin She Hae Some
siller Tho' she be as black as night The wind'll blaw a laddie till her.' I Hedgerley Close, Cambridge Denis Brogan......
William Alton 25 Stonehouse Road, Strathaven, Lanarkshire...
R. L. Travers (Letters, 13 financial gain, he refused to make a childless gesting that the sin of Onan lay in practising coitus interruptus as such. As I read the story, woman......
Sydney Silverman
Sir: It is our intention to honour the memory of the late Sydney Silverman by planting a wood in Israel. The late Sydney Silverman was a parliamen- tartan of nation-wide repute.......
A Plea To Mr Michael Stewart
Sir: Auberon Waugh (20 September) quite rightly holds Mr George Thomson responsible for the Government's Biafran policy. The doc- trine of ministerial responsibility would......
A More Murderous Harvest
Sir: You were kind enough to publish my letter about Nigeria in your issue of 5 July and I have followed since then the views not only of the SPECTATOR but of your correspon-......