Help for the old
Sir: Through the courtesy of your columns we would like to draw your attention to 'Contact,' an organisation set up in Marylebone three years ago by a group of young people to arrange monthly outings for the old and lonely.
Instead of taking out a coach party of old people, the young helpers collect the old people in private cars and take them out to country homes where they are entertained to tea and meet other old people from their area. In this way a personal link is established between the helpers and the helped which is renewed from month to month.
In the three years since its inception 'Contact' has expanded rapidly, starting with one group of twelve helpers and twelve old people and
now having six similar groups. The number of lonely people who would benefit by these activities is very considerable and 'Contact, is anxious to expand to ten groups by the end of this year. To cope with this expansion 'Contact' requires : (i) volunteer helpers (with or without cars) who are prepared to spend one Sunday afternoon a month helping on the outings; (ii) hostesses whose homes are in or near London, who can entertain up to twenty- four people to tea; (iii) volunteer helpers as group leaders; (iv) finance to help to pay for the cost of such expansion and the increased cost of winter outings when entertainment has to be provided.
All those who wish to help in any of these ways should write to the Secretary, c/o Messrs Coutts and Company, 440 Strand, London WC2.
Quintin Hogg Lena Leger Selwyn Lloyd Douglas Houghton Christopher Chataway Eric Lubbock London WC2