An account of the proceedings at the half-yearly meeting of
the pro. prietors of the Agricultural and Coinmercial Batik of Ireland, which will be found in our advertising columns, seems to deserve attention. From the report read at the meeting, and from a pamphlet on the sub- ject which has been sent to us, we learn that the institution is in active end successful operation. It has fully recovered from the shock it ex. perienced, under very extraordinary circumstances, in MA—mainly through the good faith and solvency of its very numerous debtors, to whom small loans, in some cases as low as 5/. and 10/., bail been merle, Facts are mentioned in the pamphlet, to prove that the Bank has been of great service to manufacturers in Limerick and elsewhere. These circumstances should be impressed upon the Joint Stock Banks Com- mittee, just appointed ; because they tend to show that there is no need of renewing the exclusive privileges of the Bank of Ireland. Other institutions, equally safe, and snore generally useful, cami be and hare been formed without aid from the Government. The Bank of Ireland may have been useful or necessary some years ago, but there seems to be no occasion for it at the present time.