28 APRIL 1838, page 7

The Bank Of Ireland Has Now Been Working Half A

century, pos- sessing, for the greater part of that time, the exclusive privilege of banking to the fullest extent in Ireland, and possessing, even to this hour, the exclusive......

In Our Last Number. Sir Francis Burdett And Sir George

Sinclair r a Friday honoured a party of " Operative Conservatives" The Tories have had several political po C li p t l ic il a l l trP dinners . since those in field with their......

Mr. Gisborne, Lately Member For North Derbyshire, Met With A

serious accident a few days ago, by a fall from a runaway horse. He was severely hurt on the crown of the head. Kinnear, the forger, was sent off from Kirkdale prison, on......

Some Time Ago, The Duke Of Devonshire Raised The...

of his cottages in North Derbyshire • which gave great dissatisfaction to the numerous holders under his Grace. This error has been remedied, Duke offering to allow the tenants......


received as subscriptions towards a registration fund. A committee of 31 persons was appointed to attend to the registries. Mr. O'Con- sell abused Lord Maidstone, and the......

At Cavan Quarter-sessions, A Catholic Priest, Named...

was the defendant in an action brought against him by a respect.. able farmer, named Reilly, for expenses which he had been put to in consequence of Sheridan having falsely and......


A most respectable and brilliant party of ladies and gentlemen, to the number of 500, assembled on Friday at the Rooms in Ingram Street, Glasgow, to express their esteem and......